The Divine theme offers the advanced Collection List page. It includes expanded settings to customize the page's template and create easy navigation through numerous collections.
The page template consists of two sections. You can show/hide them using a visibility badge. You can also add new sections according to your requirements.
Breadcrumbs section
- Show the border on top.
- Show border underneath.
- Enable section transparent color.
Collection list page section
Here it is possible to:
- Create a heading for the page and set the heading's size. See the recommendations about the correct usage of headings for SEO.
- Sort collections by Product count, by Date, or Alphabetically.
- Choose the image ratio for the collection display. Possible values are Circle, Adapt to image, and Portrait.
- Set the number of collections per page.
- Set the number of columns.
- Set the collection heading size up to 24px.
- Select the pagination type. Possible values are the Pagination list, Infinity scroll, and Load more button.
- Show descriptions on the desktop. The option is inactive when the Circle image ratio is disabled.
- Truncate the number of words.
- Hide collection images on mobile. The option is available for Image ratios Adapt to image and Portrait. By choosing the option, you build better performance on mobile devices.
- Use on-scroll reveal animation.
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