Let's inform your customers about the right number of products in stock. This will create a positive shopping experience and prevent losing customers because of a lack of consistent information about product availability.
First, you have to enable the Track Quantity checkbox in Shopify Product. That will help you to manage the inventory of each product variant in the Shopify Product configurations.
Then go to the Online Store - Product page - Product information and focus on the Quantity Selector block.
Here you can see a Stock quantity threshold option. Enter a quantity from which it will start calculating the stock.
Note: for instance, stock counter = 10 - if a product or product variant will have less qty than the Threshold value the stock label will show “Only X left”. In another way, the label will text “In stock X left”. The label Out of stock will inform visitors about the out-of-inventory stock product. When a product is sold, the system will automatically change the inventory status.
Note: this block can be shown anywhere in the Product Information section. You can simply drag and drop this block to the place you want to show the Stock status labels.
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