With the Charge theme, you can create a very engaging and easy-to-navigate blog post page.
Visit the Online Store - Blogs to see the expanded settings. It is possible to:
- Show the featured image.
- Use a blog filter. It will help to organize posts by category and find required articles faster.
- Set the number of posts to be shown per page.
- Set the number of posts to be shown per row.
- Choose the content position between Left, Center, and Right.
- Show outline.
- Enable on-scroll reveal animation.
- Choose the pagination type between the Pagination list, Infinity scroll and Load more button.
- Select the tags' background covers.
- Set the title size up to 24px.
- Show the link Read more.
- Show the date and author for each post.
- Choose the date format between DMY, YMD, and MY.
- Show icon calendar.
- Truncate words.
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