With the Divine theme, you can show the list of product collections on the pages. This will help visitors browse all collections available in your brand store. If you have many collections, there is a button to help users navigate in the necessary direction. By pressing the View all the visitors will be redirected to the Collection List page.
Our Divine theme includes the Collection list section on the homepage by default. You can swap it or hide it with a visibility badge. To customize the section, go to the Online Store and click on the Collection List.
You can edit general settings here:
Create a Heading and set the Heading size. See the recommendation article about choosing the correct Heading usage for better SEO.
- Specify a subtitle.
- Select collections to be shown in the section.
- Sort collections by product count, date, or in alphabetical order.
- Choose the image ratio between Adapt to Image and Portrait.
- Add a link to the collection list page.
- Set the number of collections to show in the section up to 10.
- Set the collection heading size.
- Round the corners.
- Set the number of collections to show per row up to 4.
- Show collections as a slider.
- Customize the collection card. Here you choose a background and set the uniform color.
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